Collective Agreement Gt-07

The CFIA proposes to increase the amount referred to in section 3a (recourse section) to five hundred dollars ($500) provided that the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) confirms in writing that ratification of the draft collective agreement is accepted by November 15, 2020 or later. 53.01 The employer recognizes the usefulness of educational leave. At the written request of the employee and with the consent of the employer, an employee may be granted unpaid educational leave for various periods of up to one (1) year, which may be extended by mutual agreement, in order to attend a recognized educational institution in a particular field of education where preparation is necessary to more adequately fulfill the employee`s current role, or to complete studies in a specific field, to provide a service that the employer requires or intends to provide. *67.02 Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the provisions of this Agreement shall enter into force on the date of their signature. 17.01 The time limits set in these proceedings may be extended by mutual agreement between the employer and the worker and, where appropriate, the trade union representative. As of June 2, 2019 and until September 1, 2020, Compensation Consultants are entitled to the Compensation Allowance for Compensation Consultants listed in Appendix D of the PSAC Collective Agreement for the 2014 Round of Collective Bargaining (hereinafter referred to as “Employees”) to the following incentive payments: The Working Group shall meet within ninety (90) days of the signing of this Collective Agreement. Other enhancements to TC`s collective agreement include: The employer will use all reasonable efforts to process the retiree incentive payments granted under this extension, as well as the new overtime pay granted under this extension, within 150 days of the signing of this agreement. 17.36 Both the union and the employer may file a political complaint with the other about the interpretation or application of the collective agreement with respect to one of them or the collective bargaining unit in general. 1.1.32 Severance benefits and other benefits under other clauses of collective agreements are separate from and supplement those in this Annex. In 2015, the Treasury Board of Canada and PSAC entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on Mental Health in the Workplace as part of the collective agreement establishing the Joint Task Force on Mental Health (the Joint Working Group). We will provide the final text and full details of the TC Group`s preliminary agreement and joint issuance agreement as soon as they are available.

Shortly thereafter, TC members are invited to participate in online ratification votes. Voting details will be announced as soon as possible. For seasonal and part-time indeterminate employees, the VSS is prorated, like the severance pay under the collective agreement. The provisions of the collective agreements relating to severance pay complement the VSS. 33.01 For the purposes of this collective agreement, travel time shall be compensated only in the circumstances and to the extent provided for in this section. one and a half hours (1,5) for all hours worked up to the normal daily working hours referred to in Article 24 (working time) of this collective agreement and twice the working time (2) thereafter, in addition to the remuneration that would have been granted to the worker if he had not worked on the public holiday; A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding incentives to hire and retain compensation advisors was signed on November 10, 2017 between the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada. It was then amended and extended for an additional year on October 5, 2018 with retroactive effect from June 1, 2018 to June 1, 2019. Under the Letter of Intent, compensation advisors eligible for the Compensation Advisor Retention Allowance under Appendix D of the PSAC Collective Agreement were entitled to temporary incentive payments until June 1, 2019. The Parties acknowledge that an extension of Articles 1 and 2 is without prejudice or precedent and does not in any way bind the Parties to any particular position they wish to take on overtime during a round of collective bargaining. Subject to section 61.04, if the part-time worker meets the requirements to receive a registration allowance on a day of rest in accordance with paragraph 30.01(a) of this collective agreement and is entitled to a minimum payment instead of remuneration for the time of work actually worked, the part-time worker will receive a minimum payment of four (4) hours at the flat rate of pay. 17.38 Both parties to this Agreement designate the person authorized to receive a political complaint who, upon receipt of a political complaint: *65.02 NJC points that may be included in a collective agreement are those items that the parties to NJC agreements have designated as such or on which the Chair of the Federal Commission on Public Sector Relations and Employment has made a decision under clause (c) of the NJC memorandum.

of the Agreement, which came into force on December 6, 1978 and has been amended from time to time. **All CFIA compensation consultants AS-01, AS-02 or AS-03 working at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency will receive the daily amount specified below for each calendar day for which the employee is paid in accordance with Schedule A of the collective agreement. This daily amount corresponds to the annual amount indicated below divided by two hundred and sixty decimal places eighty-eighty (260.88); Compensation (remuneration) – has the same meaning as “rate of pay” in the employee`s collective agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, severance pay for the elimination of severance pay in the event of voluntary departure (resignation and retirement) paid in accordance with 62.04 to 62.07 in accordance with Annex H or similar provisions of other collective agreements shall be considered severance pay for the administration of this clause. **13.14 Leave granted to an employee in accordance with sections 13.02, 13.09, 13.10, 13.12 and 13.13 shall be granted with pay and the PSAC shall reimburse the employer for the employee`s salary and performance expenses during the period of leave approved with pay in accordance with the conditions established by joint agreement. Wage rates are adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement. Changes in rates of pay whose effective date is prior to the date of the salary adjustment shall be paid in the form of a lump sum payment in accordance with Annex K. In particular: a. Year 1 increases (i.e., “A”): Paid as a retroactive lump sum payment equal to an economic increase of 2.8% over the January 1, 2018 rates. b.

Year 2 increases (i.e., “B”): retroactive lump sum payment equal to the Year 1 increase plus an economic increase of 2.2%, representing a total composite increase of 5.062% in the January 1, 2018 rates. c. Increases in year 3 (i.e. “C”): retroactive lump sum payment equal to the year 1 and year 2 increases plus an economic increase of 1.35%, representing a total compound increase of 6.480% in the January 1, 2018 rates. This Annex shall be considered as part of all collective agreements between the Parties and shall be facilitated for workers to have access to it. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to promulgate the agreement between the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA or the Employer) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (the Alliance) on the issue of child care facilities and employee access to child care information. The PSAC bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification of the interim agreement. PSAC has reached a preliminary agreement that provides for a fair wage increase, no concessions and better working conditions for the approximately 10,000 members of the TC Group. 5.1.1 Surplus workers and dismissed persons who have been appointed to a subordinate position in accordance with this Annex shall have their salary and compensation, where applicable, protected in accordance with the wage protection provisions of their collective agreement or, in the absence of such provisions, the corresponding provisions of the Agency`s Directive on remuneration in the event of redeployment or conversion. 1.01 The purpose of this Agreement is to maintain harmonious and mutually beneficial relations between the employer, the trade union and the workers and to lay down certain conditions of employment on which agreement has been reached in the context of collective bargaining. *45.05 Any day of leave granted as part of a leave without pay for the long-term care of a parent or as part of leave without pay for the care and care of preschool children in accordance with the terms of previous collective agreements between the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the Public Service Alliance of Canada or other arrangements will not be taken into account in calculating the maximum duration, those who care for the family for the duration of an employee`s employment with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and in the public sector […].

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