Form Vii under Contract Labour Act Central

5. If the contractor has been convicted of a criminal offence in the previous five years. If yes, provide details. 6. If there has been an order against the Contractor to revoke or suspend the licence or to lose warranties in respect of a previous contract. If so, the date of such an order. 7. If the contractor has worked at another facility within the last five years. If so, provide information about the primary employer, companies, and type of work. 8. Amount of royalty paid – Challan Treasury number 25 [* * *] and date. 9.

Deposit cash receipt amount 25[* * *] number and date. I hereby declare that the above information corresponds to the best of my knowledge and beliefs. Place the signature of the applicant`s date. (Contractor) (To be completed in the licensing agent`s office) Date of receipt of the application with fee from Challan for filing. Signature of the high licensing officer (1) The fee payable for the issuance of a certificate of registration under Article 7 must be indicated as follows, namely: if the number of workers to be contracted on a given day – Rs. P. (a) is 20 20.00 (b) exceeds 20 but does not exceed 50 50.00 (c) exceeds 50 but does not exceed l00 100.00 (d) exceeds l00, but does not exceed 200,200.00 (e) exceeds 200 but does not exceed 400,400.00 (f) exceeds 400,500.00 (2) The fees payable for the issuance of a license in accordance with Article 12 must be indicated as follows: If the number of workers employed by the contractor in a day – Rs. P. (a) 20, 5.00 (b) exceeds 20 but does not exceed 50 12.50 (c) exceeds 50 but does not exceed l00 25.00 (d) exceeds l00 but does not exceed 200 does not exceed 50.00 (e) exceeds 200 but does not exceed 400,100.00 (i) exceeds 400,1500.00 FORM I (see Rule 17(1)) Application for registration of establishments carrying on an interim activity 1. Name and location of the institution. 2. Postal address of the institution.

3. Full name and address of the main employer (in the case of individuals, indicate the name of the father). 4. Full name and address of the farm manager or the person responsible for the supervision and control of the holding. 5. Type of work performed on the holding. 6. Information on contractors and temporary agency workers: a) Names and addresses of contractors. (b) the type of work in which temporary agency work is or is to be employed.

(c) Maximum number of contract workers employed each day through each contractor.16 (cc) Estimated start date of each contract work under each contractor.] (d) Estimated date of termination of the employment relationship of temporary agency workers with each contractor. 7. Attached are the details of the cash receipt (name of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, amount and date). I hereby declare that the above information corresponds to the best of my knowledge and beliefs. Primary employer. Seal and stamp Date of receipt by the Office of the Registration Application Officer. Above (1) The competent government may, subject to prior publication, make regulations for the purposes of this Act. 2. In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the preponderant competence, these rules may lay down all or part of the following provisions: (a) the number of persons to be appointed as members representing various interests in the Central Council and the Council of State, the duration of the term of office and other conditions of service, the procedure to be followed in the performance of their duties and the procedures for filling vacant posts; (b) the hours and places of meetings of a committee established under this Act, the procedure to be followed at such meetings, including the quorum necessary for the conduct of the work, and the fees and indemnities that may be paid to the members of a committee; (c) the manner in which institutions may be registered in accordance with Section 7, the levying of a fee for them and the form of the registration certificate; NOTES Collection of royalties by central and state governments.

the registration, licence and renewal of the licence do not constitute the levying of fees. Gammon India Ltd.c. Union of India, (1974) 1 SCC 596: 1974 CSC (L &S) 252. 3. Any regulation adopted by the Central Government pursuant to this Act shall, as soon as possible after its adoption, be adopted in each Chamber of Parliament for a total period of thirty days, which may consist of one or two successive part-sessions, before the end of the session at which it is so fixed or the session immediately following: both Houses agree to make any changes to the Standing Orders, otherwise both Houses may be ineffective; however, such modification or cancellation does not affect the validity of something that has already been done under this rule. Any matter to be considered by the Governing Body shall be considered at a meeting or, if the President so orders, by sending the necessary documents to each member for comments, and the matter shall be dealt with in accordance with the decision of the majority, provided that, in the event of a tie, the second or decisive vote is decisive. `The chairperson within the meaning of this Article shall be the chairperson appointed to preside over a meeting in accordance with Article 13. Item 6[(1) Upon receipt of the Contractor`s application and as soon as practicable thereafter, the permit officer shall investigate or initiate an investigation to ensure the accuracy of the facts and information contained in this application and the applicant`s eligibility for a licence.] 2.

(i) Where the licensing officer is of the opinion that the licence should not be issued, after giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity to be heard, issue an order rejecting the application. (ii) The order shall record the reasons for the refusal and communicate them to the applicant. Food and other items to be served in the canteen must respect the normal habits of temporary work. Top FORM XXV [See Rule 82(2)]Annual Declaration by The Primary Employer to the Registry Administrator Year ending December 31. Full name and address of the primary employer. 2. Name of establishment:a) District b) Postal address c) Type of activity/sector/work performed. 3. Full name of the farm manager or the person responsible for monitoring and controlling the holding. 4. Number of contractors who worked at the establishment during the year (see Appendix for details). 5.

Type of work/activities for which temporary work has been carried out. .

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