South Sudan Peace Agreement in Addis Ababa

The RtGoNU cabinet will include, as stipulated in the agreement, 35 ministers – 20 from the outgoing TGoNU, nine from the SPLM/A-IO, three from the SSOA, two former prisoners and one from other political parties – and 10 deputy ministers (five from the outgoing TGoNU, three from the SPLM/A-IO, one from the SSOA and one from other political parties). The reconstituted parliament is very inflated, with 550 MPs – 332 from the outgoing UN TGo, 128 from the SPLM/A-IO, 50 from the SSOA, 30 from other political parties and 10 former prisoners. The Transitional Government of the Sudan yesterday signed a joint agreement* in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa with the faction of the Sudan People`s Liberation Movement-North, led by Abdelaziz El Hilu (SPLM-N El Hilu), which provides that the movement will remain armed until full political and social equality between religion and the State is achieved. The implementation of the R-ARCSS provisions relating to the creation of the CTRH, the HCSS and the ARC will promote justice, unity, reconciliation and the fight against impunity. This will achieve the objectives of the agreement, as justice, reconciliation and national healing are important in any peace process. The two meetings will discuss the concerns and reservations of opposition groups and endorse the final text of the revived peace agreement. This was followed by the signing of the peace agreement by the South Sudanese parties, it was learned. “We hope that the discussions will remain open to those who are not yet convinced of the sustainability of this agreement,” they said in a statement. “We must use this broader regional dynamic to ensure peace for the people of South Sudan. “Delegates to the peace talks in Khartoum were informed yesterday by Ambassador Ismail Wais, IGAD`s special envoy to South Sudan, that the final signing ceremony will take place in Addis Ababa,” he said in a statement on South Sudanese television. The new agreement is a division of the cake between the tribes of South Sudan: first the large tribes, Dinka and Nuer, then the smaller ones.

He sees South Sudan not as a country, but as a gathering of tribes. Every inch of South Sudan must be marked as part of one or another tribal house. Areas with a multi-ethnic population should also be defined as belonging to a particular strain. The main parties and signatories of the R-ARCSS are Kiir as Chairman of the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU); Machar of SPLM-IO; Deng Alor Kuol of splm-former detainees (SPLM-FDS); and Gabriel Changson Chang of the South Sudanese Opposition Alliance (SSOA). The other six signatories to the South Sudan peace agreement were Peter Mayen Majongdit as a representative of the umbrella coalition of political parties; Kornelio Kon Ngu, representative of the National Alliance of Political Parties; Ustaz Joseph Ukel Abango, representative of the United Sudan African Party (USAF); Martin Toko Moyi, representative of the United Front for Democratic Salvation; Stewart Sorobo Budia, representative of the United Democratic Party; and Wilson Lionding Sabit, representative of the African National Congress (ANC). In addition, 16 actors in the form of representatives of civil society organizations have signed the agreement. In 1971, the South Sudanese rebels, who until then had consisted of several independent commandos, were united under General Joseph Lagu, who under his authority brought together both the fighting units of the Anya Nya and its political wing, the South Sudanese Liberation Movement (SSLM). After that, in 1971, the SSLM, which represented General Lagu, held a dialogue with the Sudanese government on proposals for regional autonomy and an end to hostilities. These talks culminated in the signing of the Addis Ababa Agreement on 27 February 1972. The agreement ended the 17-year conflict between Anya Nya and the Sudanese army and established autonomy for the southern region, which was no longer to be divided into three provinces of Al-Istiwāʾiyyah (Ecuador), Baḥr al-Ghazāl and Aʿālī al-Nīl (Upper Nile). The affairs of the region would be controlled by a separate legislative and executive branch, and Anya Nya soldiers would be integrated into the Sudanese army and police.

The Addis Ababa agreement brought Nimeiri both prestige abroad and popularity at home. South Sudan`s future is likely to be clouded by the ongoing chaos until a single dominant group emerges. If this happens, regional powers risk being dragged further into the conflict. To anticipate this development, it is necessary to recognize the main shortcomings of the current agreement — its tribal architecture and the absence of a South Sudanese political process — by finding ways to prioritize a political process over military competition. The new agreement represents a remarkable turning point from the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in 2005 and the Independence Agreement of 2011. All previous agreements shared a common assumption: that Sudan is the source of the problem, that Sudan must be isolated and contained if there is to be peace in South Sudan. An dissatisfied group could simply turn to Sudan in the north. To fill that gap, it had to be recognized that the Sudan had to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. The broad nature of the UN-GOR IN THE R-ARCSS may constitute an obstacle to the pursuit of the objectives of the Agreement. It is easy to understand that the expanded Bureau, Cabinet and Parliament have been deliberately designed to fit pragmatically into the pro-Crustan bed of South Sudanese political reality. The budget was to support and maintain a government of five vice-presidents; 45 ministers (including deputy ministers); 550 MPs; and several transitional commissions, bodies and committees will certainly impose a burden on a country already burdened by arrears of more than £17 billion in South Sudan (a surplus of $130 million), including “three months of national salaries, five months of government transfers and twelve months of embassy salaries”, including members of the Transitional National Assembly.11 With the previous Peace Agreement (ARCSS), 1.6 billion South Sudanese pounds.

in the first three quarters of the 2017/1812 financial year, an additional financial burden would be heavy and heavy in the context of a weakened economy. .

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