Act Teachers Enterprise Agreement 2019

The enterprise agreement of the Act`s Directorate of Public Sector Education and Training (Teaching Staff) is the agreement in which teachers and school psychologists work. This is a formal and legally enforceable agreement that we regularly enter into with the ACT government that defines compensation, allowances, vacation, workload and much more. The opening date is the date on which the negotiation process can begin. The opening date is the date on which the negotiation process can begin. Either party may enter into negotiations from 60 days before the expiry of the collective agreement. The current agreement for school assistants entered into force on 3 April 2019. Secondary Customer Collective AgreementExcive September 2, 2019 to September 1, 2022 Consult your company agreement to make sure you know your rights and prerogatives. If you can`t find what you need to know, you can check out our fact sheets or ask a question here. The 2018-2022 Enterprise Agreement of the ACTPS Directorate of Education (Teaching Staff) was approved by the Fair Work Commission on 15 August 2019 and replaces the 2014-2018 Enterprise Agreement of the ACTPS Education and Training Directorate (Teaching Staff).

The agreement entered into force on 22 August 2019 and expires nominally on 30 September 2022. The agreement can be viewed below: The Company Agreement on Administrative and Related Public Sector Classifications ACT 2018-2021 entered into force on 3 April 2019 and expires nominally on 31 October 2021. This Agreement shall apply to all administrative officers, officers and school assistants. The start and expiry dates of a collective agreement are agreed upon by both parties during negotiations. Access current collective agreements and their relevant key data. The terms of an employment contract must be respected. These are the current collective agreements that set out the working and employment conditions of school principals, teachers and other staff in schools. Company agreements are the main source of employment conditions in management. Company agreements are negotiated between employees and management in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009. Each agreement must be approved by a majority of employees who vote before being approved by the Fair Work Board. Company agreements should be read in conjunction with relevant industry awards, laws and standards. Kaiarahi i te Reo, Therapists, ATSSD, Special Education Caregivers Collective AgreementExciensive december 13, 2019 to February 6, 2022 You can also access a PDF version after selecting the link to your respective collective agreement.

Collective agreements covering most employees in the state and state-integrated education sectors are listed below. Reduction of face-to-face classes for primary school teachers who help primary school teachers strengthen their professional practice. Collective Agreement for School Nurses, Cleaners and Canteen Staff In force from December 11, 2019 to February 11, 2022 In accordance with section 53 of the Industrial Relations Act 2000, an expired collective agreement is still valid for an additional 12 months, provided that the union or employer has entered into negotiations before the expiry date to replace the agreement. Our school assistants work within the framework of the ACT`s Corporate Agreement on Administrative and Related Public Sector Classifications. This is a formal and legally enforceable agreement that we regularly enter into with the ACT government that defines compensation, allowances, vacation, workload and much more. Collective Agreement for Special Residence SchoolsExciensive February 28, 2019 to February 27, 2021 Once the Amendment Agreement is finalized and signed, it must be submitted with the school`s annual EA Implementation Plan as above. The expiry of a collective agreement does not necessarily mean the end of the collective agreement. Collective agreement for primary school teachers Entry into force from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2022 Status: Completed – Principals were transferred to the structure in August 2019 Te Riu Roa New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI Te Riu Roa) Kindergarten teachers, principals and secondary school teachers. . Kaiarahi i te Reo, therapists, assistants for severely disabled teachers and special education assistants The minimum wage rate has been increased to $18.90 effective April 1, 2020.

Anyone currently receiving an hourly rate below the new minimum wage rate will automatically increase to $18.90 per hour effective April 1, 2020. . A new classification and salary structure for clients is set out in the agreement. The main classification structure recognizes the growing responsibility of the leading role through justice challenges specifically tailored to the needs of the school, community and system. . Te Aho o Te Kura PounamuSpecialist and support staff.. Implementation of the main health and wellness plan to better support school leaders as instructors in their school. .

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