Annual Maintenance Contract Format Pdf

b. All materials supplied during maintenance are covered by this material-specific warranty. This Agreement does not guarantee any material. The term of this Agreement applies to the initial term set forth above, beginning with the Effective Date. This Agreement will automatically renew for additional terms of one (1) year each, unless you or we give written notice of termination at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the then-current Term. In the event of such an extension period, the maintenance fees you pay during this period will be those described above. One. We will rerun all maintenance services that are found to be defective during the term of this Agreement. If we are unable to provide maintenance services due to our fault, we will refund that part of your costs. One. The fees listed above are non-refundable, even if you choose to cancel maintenance appointments. For example, if you are a software maintenance agency, you can continue to use the template by modifying it to look like a software maintenance contract template.

Note that you don`t need any programming knowledge for this. b. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Alberta, which shall apply to contracts performed entirely in that province by its resident. Unless otherwise provided in a device plan, all customer maintenance contracts for each maintenance period must be paid in advance. For the costs listed below, [the maintenance company] will periodically inspect the equipment listed in this equipment schedule and keep it in good working order. Equipment inspection and maintenance varies by type of equipment and is specified in the equipment plan. One. Service required due to misuse, misuse, electrical storms, power failures or fluctuations, glass breakage or damage, failure to comply with user maintenance and operating instructions, or failure or as a result of failure of interconnected equipment not specified in an equipment plan, including, but not limited to, wiring, or voice or data transmission equipment or equipment; The fees for the services to be provided under this Agreement are as follows: c. THE WARRANTY SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPH 6(A) IS THE SOLE LIABILITY OF [MaintenanCE COMPANY] AND THE SOLE REMEDY OF THE CUSTOMER IN THE EVENT OF DEFECTIVE TREATMENT, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER FORM OF ACTION. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXCLUDED.

c. THE CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD ALL THE PAGES OF THIS CONTRACT. c. Services required as a result of the maintenance, inspection or handling of the equipment by a person other than [Maintenance Company]. b. Consumables, including but not limited to light bulbs, batteries, video cassettes, etc. a. This Agreement and such Equipment Schema(s) constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the services provided by [the Maintenance Company] to the Customer and no representation, inducement, promise or agreement not contained herein shall be of any force or effect.

You may, from time to time, request [the maintenance company] to provide other services that are not included in the service plan for the equipment described in a particular equipment plan or for which no equipment plan has been completed. [Maintenance Company] will use reasonable efforts to provide such service at 90% of its then current and standard hourly rates. Unless an equipment plan states that parts are included, you will pay [Maintenance Company] the current list price for all spare parts needed to provide services to the equipment. Unless otherwise specified in the Capital Master Plan, the Services to be provided for a Quarterly Service Fee do not include: If [Maintenance Company] determines that the service requested by Customer is excluded in accordance with the foregoing and Customer requests [Maintenance Company] to provide such service, the Service will be provided in accordance with Section 10. d. Service requested outside of our normal business hours. This contract applies to equipment related to the equipment listed in the equipment plan. If we or the manufacturer replace devices that are under warranty with the same model number, the replacement device is also covered. With the exception of this type of replacement, no new or additional equipment is covered by this Agreement unless it is listed in an equipment plan. b.

If you do not make a payment on time, we will notify you in writing, and if you still do not pay, we may terminate this Agreement for an additional 10 days after such notice. This Agreement is entered into by and between [Maintenance Company] and the Customer whose name and address are indicated above on the date indicated above. This Agreement is not a warranty. Equipment purchased from [Maintenance Company] is covered by the manufacturer`s warranty. Replacement and repair of defective parts is also covered by the manufacturer`s warranty. .

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