Current Agreement En Francais

6.3 Members are encouraged, at the request of other Members, to be ready to enter into negotiations with a view to concluding mutual recognition agreements on the results of mutual conformity assessment procedures. Members may require that such agreements meet the criteria set out in paragraph 1 and ensure to each other that they can facilitate trade in the products concerned. 3. Citizens of the parties to the dispute may not be active in a group of technical experts without the joint consent of the parties to the dispute, unless the panel considers that the need for specialized scientific expertise cannot be met by other means. Officials of the parties to the dispute may not act in a group of technical experts. Members of technical expert panels serve in their individual capacity and not as representatives of the government or an organization. Governments or organizations cannot therefore give them instructions on matters submitted to a group of technical experts. (b) The provisions of such an agreement shall not impose on the Party any exchange rate obligations that are generally more restrictive than those imposed on members of the Fund in the articles of the International Monetary Fund Convention. C. Standards bodies that have adopted or withdrawn this Code shall inform the ISO/IEC Information Centre in Geneva. The notification shall include the name and address of the body concerned and the scope of its ongoing and planned standardisation activities. The notification may be sent either directly to the ISO/IEC Information Centre or through the national member body of ISO/IEC or, preferably, through the respective national member or international subsidiary of ISONET. 2.

In all cases where the CONTRACTING PARTIES are invited to examine or deal with problems relating to foreign exchange reserves, balances of payments or exchange rate agreements, they shall consult the International Monetary Fund in full. In such consultations, the CONTRACTING PARTIES shall accept all findings of statistical and other facts submitted by the Fund with respect to foreign currencies, foreign reserve assets and balances of payments and shall agree that the Fund shall determine whether a Party is in compliance with the articles of the International Monetary Fund Convention on Exchange; or under the terms of a special exchange agreement between that Party and the CONTRACTING PARTIES. In their final decision, the CONTRACTING PARTIES shall accept, in cases relating to the criteria laid down in Article XII (2) (a) or Article XVIII (9), the finding of the Fund which constitutes a serious deterioration in the foreign reserve assets of the Contracting Parties, a very low level of their foreign exchange reserves or an appropriate rate of increase in their foreign exchange reserves; and with respect to the financial aspects of other matters that are the subject of consultations in such cases. 2.6. Subscription Renewal. Cisco Technology usage rights purchased on a subscription basis are automatically renewed for the renewal period specified in the order you or your Cisco partner placed with Cisco (“Renewal Period”), unless: (a) you notify your approved source in writing of your intention not to renew it at least 45 days prior to the expiration of your then-current period of use; or (b) you or your Cisco partner choose not to automatically renew at the time of the first order from Cisco. Your approved source will give you reasonable notice of any renewal period if the fees change. The new fees will apply for the upcoming renewal period unless you or your Cisco partner immediately notify Cisco in writing prior to the renewal date that you do not agree to the fee changes. In this case, your subscription ends at the end of the current usage period. The ICSID Convention was established by a multilateral agreement and entered into force on October 14, 1966. 8.3. Qualifications.

Sections 8.1 and 8.2 do not apply if the Cisco technology or the device on which it is authorized to use: (a) has been modified, except by Cisco or its authorized representative; (b) has been subjected to unusual physical conditions, accident or negligence, or installation or use inconsistent with this EULA or Cisco`s instructions; (c) acquired free of charge, beta or on the basis of an assessment; (d) is not a Cisco-branded product or service; or (e) has not been provided by an approved source. Upon prompt written notice to the Approved Source during the warranty period of Cisco`s breach of this Section 8, your sole and exclusive remedy (except as otherwise required by applicable law) will be, at Cisco`s option, either (i) repair or replacement of applicable Cisco technology or (ii) a refund of (a) royalties paid or due for the Non-Conforming Software; or (b) fees paid for the period during which the Cloud Service was not compliant, except for amounts paid under a Service/Destination Level Agreement, if any. Each World Bank Group organization operates in accordance with the procedures set out in its Articles of Agreement or an equivalent management document. These documents describe the conditions of membership and the general principles of organization, management and operation. 12.14. Entire Agreement. This EULA constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this EULA and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, understandings or understandings (whether written or oral). 3. For any existing internal tax which is incompatible with paragraph 2 but which is expressly authorized under a trade agreement in force on 10 April 1947 in which the import duty on the taxed product may be increased, the Contracting Party collecting the tax shall be free to defer the application of the provisions of paragraph 2 to that tax until it can obtain authorization. the obligations arising from such a trade agreement in order to allow for the increase of that tax to the extent necessary to compensate for the elimination of the protective element of the tax.

12.5. Transactions with Cisco Partners. If you purchase Cisco technology from a Cisco Partner, the terms of this EULA apply to your use of that Cisco Technology and will prevail over any conflicting provision of your agreement with the Cisco Partner. 10.7 If a Member has reached agreement with one or more other countries on matters relating to technical regulations, standards or conformity assessment procedures that may have a significant impact on trade, at least one Party Member to the Agreement shall notify the other Members, through the Secretariat, of the products covered by the Agreement and attach a brief description of the Agreement. The members concerned are invited to enter into consultations with other members upon request in order to conclude similar agreements or to organize their participation in such agreements. (b) Similar provisions shall apply to any Party that is not a member of the Fund from the date on which that Party becomes a member of the Fund or enters into a special exchange agreement in accordance with Article XV. (a) the exercise by a Party of exchange controls or exchange restrictions in accordance with the Articles of the Agreement on the International Monetary Fund or that Party`s Special Exchange Agreement with the CONTRACTING PARTIES, or that it does not correspond in any way to the degree of economic integration which existed during the period when the United Kingdom was an EU Member State, The Trade and Cooperation Agreement goes beyond traditional trade and cooperation agreements Free trade agreements provide a solid basis for maintaining our long-standing friendship and cooperation. (d) Where a quota is allocated among the supplier countries, the Contracting Party applying the restrictions may seek agreement with all other Contracting Parties which have a substantial interest in the supply of the product concerned on the allocation of quota shares. In cases where this method is not reasonably practicable, the Party concerned shall allocate to Parties that have a substantial interest in the supply of shares of the goods on the basis of the shares of the goods supplied by those Parties during a previous representative period in the total quantity or value of imports of the good, subject to specific factors: which have influenced or could influence trade in the goods shall be duly taken into account. No conditions or formalities shall be imposed that would prevent a Party from fully exploiting its allocated share of such total quantity or value, provided that the importation takes place within a prescribed period to which the quota may relate.* Binding enforcement and dispute settlement mechanisms shall ensure that the rights of enterprises: Consumers and individuals are respected. This means that eu and UK companies compete fairly and prevent either party from using its regulatory autonomy to provide unfair subsidies or distort competition.

The agreement provides for the possibility of adopting compensatory, compensatory and protective measures. J. At least once every six months, the standardisation body shall publish a work programme containing its name and address, the standards it is currently preparing and the standards it has adopted during the previous period. A standard is being prepared from the moment a decision to develop a standard is made until that standard has been adopted. .

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