Florida Marital Settlement Agreement Form

Waiver of Notification of Final Hearing, Wait Time and Appearance at Final Hearing: Both parties agree to waive thirty (30) days` notice of the final hearing so that the final hearing can take place as soon as possible from the court. Both parties expressly waive the legal waiting period of twenty (20) days and agree to the immediate registration of the final judgment on the dissolution of the marriage. The parties hereby declare that they have entered into a valid and enforceable matrimonial settlement agreement and hereby consent to an expedited final hearing before a judge or master general and to the waiver of any other communication and appearance herein, provided that the court merely ratifies such agreement and incorporates it into a final judgment on the dissolution of the marriage. The husband and wife agree that, by order of a FINAL JUDGMENT ON THE DISSOLUTION OF THE MARRIAGE, the wife has the right to retain her married name or the right to revert to her maiden name or former name: __ want to settle our personal and immovable property as well as our finances amicably; Husband and wife agree that from the date of this Agreement, neither shall assume any debt or joint responsibility. The husband and wife agree that each is individually liable for any debt he acquires after the date of this Agreement. Life insurance policies: As security for the husband`s support obligation as described in this agreement, the husband maintains a $100,000 life insurance policy. Even if you have children and you are applying for family allowances, you can still apply for alimony. Although the former is paid for your children`s needs, the purpose of the latter may vary, but the spouse receiving it can use it to meet their own needs. In the Agreement, you have the choice to refuse support payments forever or to stipulate the following: Each party understands and agrees that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties. It replaces any previous agreement or arrangement between them. There are no representations or warranties other than those expressly set forth herein. Any spouse can initiate divorce proceedings by filing an application with the Circuit Court. The spouse filing the divorce is the “applicant” and the other spouse is the “defendant”.

The type of petition chosen by the petitioner must correspond to the circumstances of his case. From the following list of documents, the applicant must select and complete the appropriate divorce form: All uninsured expenses and even information about college funds can be addressed in the additional field of this section. In addition, parents must decide and note who will keep the tax exemptions for children. Whether or not you and your spouse have started discussing asset allocation and child information, reviewing the sample of a divorce agreement will help you see how far you need to get. Feel free to view a Florida Wedding Agreement in PDF format below. CONSIDERING that we have all acted in good faith and that we have all communicated to each other in a fair, accurate and complete manner with respect to all financial and property matters relating to this Marriage Agreement; CONSIDERING that we mutually intend this Agreement to be a final decision with respect to the matrimonial matters dealt with in this Agreement and that we intend that this Agreement be incorporated into any SUBSEQUENT FINAL JUDGMENT ON THE DISSOLUTION OF THE MARRIAGE. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between husband and wife with respect to the settlement of war property and finances and supersedes all prior discussions between us. No amendment or addition to this Agreement or any waiver of rights under this Agreement shall be effective unless signed in writing by the party to be incriminated. The husband and wife acknowledge that each entered into this Agreement in good faith, without coercion or undue influence. Everyone understands their right to seek independent legal advice with respect to this Agreement, and everyone has had the opportunity to seek independent legal advice before signing this Agreement. Reconciliation: The parties recognize the possibility of reconciliation or a short period of time during which they can resume their conjugal relationships.

However, they intend that reconciliation will not nullify or affect in any way the provisions of this Agreement regarding the settlement and disposition of property rights between the parties in their respective property and personality as set forth in this Agreement. The parties must appear before the court on the date and at the time fixed by the court. A judge reviews the information about the case and decides whether or not to grant the divorce. When a divorce decree is rendered, the judge signs a final judgment to complete the process (see judgment forms below). Below we have a text version of a matrimonial contract that is actually used by our company to resolve a divorce case with assets, debts, children and alimony. The party maintaining health insurance must at all times provide the other parent with a valid health insurance card for the children, as well as all forms and signatures necessary to process insurance claims. Any reimbursement of health insurance received by one of the spouses for the amounts advanced by the other spouse will be served on the eligible spouse within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt. Husband and wife agree that this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Best of all, we`ve included a link below to download a PDF version of this settlement agreement commented by one of our divorce lawyers so you know exactly what it all means. We give our clients a copy of the commented version at the beginning of the divorce process so they can imagine where it all leads! Additional disclosures may need to be prepared and attached to divorce applications.

The applicant should review the following documents and design the forms that apply to their divorce case: If the spouses have minor or dependent children together, or if the woman is pregnant, the following documents must be completed and attached to the applicant`s divorce application. The additional documents inform the court of how the couple intends to manage their parental responsibility, pay family allowances and retain custody of their children. The parties must sign the completed documents in the presence of a notary or deputy clerk. Life Insurance Policies: As security for the child support obligation described in this Agreement, the husband maintains a $150,000 life insurance policy with the wife as the beneficiary for minor children until the obligation to support the children ends under the terms of this Agreement. . . .

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