Subject Verb Agreement Rule 7

Subject-verb agreement is a vital component of English grammar. It dictates that a singular subject must be paired with a singular verb, and a plural subject must be matched with a plural verb. However, this rule isn`t always straightforward, especially when it comes to situations where the subject is a collective noun. This is where rule 7 comes into play.

Rule 7: Collective Nouns as Subjects

Collective nouns are words that refer to groups of people, animals, or objects, such as “team,” “family,” “flock,” or “audience.” When a collective noun functions as a subject, the verb must agree with it in terms of whether it is singular or plural.

For example:

– The team is playing well this season. (singular)

– The family are discussing their vacation plans. (plural)

In the first sentence, “team” is a singular collective noun, and therefore takes a singular verb (“is”). In the second sentence, “family” is a plural collective noun, and so the plural verb “are” is the correct choice.

Another important thing to note is that sometimes collective nouns can be singular or plural, depending on the context in which they are used. For instance, “the army” can be considered singular or plural. If it refers to the entire military force, it is singular and takes a singular verb. However, if it refers to individual soldiers, it is plural and requires a plural verb.

For example:

– The army is conducting a training exercise. (singular)

– The army are being deployed to different regions. (plural)

In the first sentence, “army” refers to the entire military force and is therefore singular. Hence, it takes a singular verb (“is”). In the second sentence, “army” refers to individual soldiers and is therefore plural. Hence, it takes a plural verb (“are”).

In conclusion, collective nouns can be tricky when it comes to subject-verb agreement. As a professional, it`s important to remember that using the correct verb tense is essential, especially when it comes to search engine optimization. Hence, understanding rule 7 and applying it correctly can be extremely helpful in ensuring that your content is grammatically correct and SEO-friendly.

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