Us Trade Agreements with Russia

4. Each Party shall create favourable conditions for the access of representatives of trade offices of the other Party to officials of the host country, both at the federal and other levels, to representatives of state-owned enterprises, institutes, foreign trade organizations, cooperatives, joint ventures and other organizations. Convinced that an agreement on trade relations between the two parties serves their mutual interests in the best interests, and 4. Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon written notification to the other Party and, in such a case, the Parties shall endeavour, to the greatest extent possible, to minimize any possible interruption of their commercial relations. 2. The Parties shall take appropriate measures to promote the development of trade contacts with a view to increasing trade. In this regard, the Soviet Party expects that, during the term of this Agreement, Soviet organizations will increase their orders for goods and services from the United States, while the United States assumes that this Agreement will have the effect of promoting increased purchases of goods and services from the Soviet Union by United States nationals and enterprises. To that end, the Parties shall publish this Agreement and ensure that it is made available to all interested parties. Bilateral agreement on products with encryption technology 1.

Given the importance of intellectual property and the need for its legal protection to promote commercial and economic cooperation, and recognizing the need to create more favourable conditions for the adequate and effective legal protection of intellectual property and its enforcement, the Parties have agreed that (2.1-8) the license is transferable only with the part of the company or enterprise or enterprise or goodwill that uses such a licence; 2. Assist U.S. nationals and businesses in facilitating purchases, sales, and other business transactions. The Commercial Office and its respective officers and employees may not participate in the negotiation, execution or execution of commercial or commercial transactions or otherwise engage in trade. 2. The purpose of the consultations provided for in paragraph 1 shall be: (a) to identify and examine the factors associated with such imports which cause, cause or may cause or contribute significantly to market disturbances, and (b) to find ways of preventing or remedying such market disturbances. Such consultations shall be concluded within sixty days of the date of the request for consultation, unless the parties agree otherwise. (3.1.1) such a new copy or adaptation is created as an essential step in the use of the computer program — in relation to a machine and is not used in any other way, or in response to Russia`s continued violations of Ukraine`s sovereignty and territorial integrity, including Russia`s occupation and attempted annexation of Crimea, The United States has suspended bilateral cooperation with the Russian government on most economic issues. The United States continues to investigate allegations of mistreatment or discrimination against U.S. investors in Russia and calls on Russia to improve its investment climate, respect for the rule of law, and transparency.

In Russia, the U.S. Trade Service continues to support U.S. companies interested in developing market opportunities that do not violate sanctions. (a) measures necessary to ensure compliance with laws or regulations that do not conflict with the objectives of this Agreement; 4. Each Party shall accord to goods imported from the territory of the other Party treatment no less favourable than like goods originating in a third country in terms of technical regulations and standards, including conformity testing and certification, of like products originating in a third country. In addition, the Parties shall ensure that such technical regulations and standards are not developed, adopted or applied in a discriminatory manner in order to create barriers to bilateral trade or to protect domestic production. (2.1.4) licence applicants prove that the patent holder has refused to grant a voluntary licence on terms consistent with normal business practices; Each Party shall facilitate the transit of goods originating in the territory of the other Party that are transported through the territory of the Party in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions in force in the Party. While an expansion of trade relations between the parties will contribute to the overall well-being of the peoples of each party and promote respect for internationally recognized workers` rights, the U.S.-Russia trade agreement provides for mutual most-favored-nation treatment (most-favored-nation clause) for each country`s products. The trade agreement was originally concluded with the Soviet Union in June 1990 and approved by the US Congress in November 1991. The United States and Russia have agreed to technical adjustments to this agreement to reflect the creation of an independent Russia. Further approval by the U.S.

Congress is not required. 2. Each Party shall grant nationals, enterprises and organizations of the other Party access to available non-confidential and non-proprietary data on the economy and individual sectors, including foreign trade information. 1. Each Contracting Party shall authorise the establishment in its territory of commercial agencies of companies and organisations of the other Contracting Party and shall accord such agencies treatment at least as favourable as commercial agencies of companies and organisations of third countries. If a Party accepts commercial representations, it shall immediately establish an expedited accreditation procedure. As part of this procedure, the central accreditation authority shall make every effort to examine an application for accreditation and, in the event of a positive decision, issue an accreditation certificate to the commercial representations of the other Party within 60 days of the filing of such an application. .

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